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SingaCredit | Singa Cares

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    Singa Credit has always taken the effort to address our customers’ concerns beyond their financial needs. We understand that there is always an underlying issue in why you need to take a loan, which is why we always take the effort to understand the need for your loan and going that one step (or two) more to ensure that loan is going to give you the help you need.

    In comes Singa Cares to your needs. Singa Cares is not just an extension of our service to you, it is our pledge to you in resolving your headaches and reducing your indebtedness.

    Singa Cares is a holistic remedy, we will break down your financial concerns and identify what problem or problems are present. Sometimes money doesn’t always solve all your issues, it might take more than that to resolve your concerns. As each concern is unique just as you are, so we will study thoroughly to make sure each solution is custom tailored to your needs without having to incur a bigger debt. Through our process, we might not only help to reduce your loan amount, you might not even require a loan at all*.

    At Singa Credit. It’s never just a loan, we care.

    Not sure of your issues or how to resolve it? Not even sure if a loan is needed? Drop us a message below and we will do our best to help you.

    * Terms and conditions apply depending on case to case basis. An assessment has to be conducted prior to issuing a proposed solution.

    新加坡借贷协会: 遇疫情收入大减 要求延迟还贷者达八成

    2020年10月10日 22:43 发布 – 8视界







